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Geschrieben von Pagan am 24.01.2008 um 08:24:


grosses Grinsen

Verschollen im Großstadt- Dschungel
Die zwei schwäbische Provinz-Mädchen Julia und Christin wollten in Berlin die Band "Blutengel" treffen

Berlin - Schwaben-Mädchen im Bann der finsteren Satans-Band "Blutengel"! Julia und Christin (beide 15) rissen von Zuhause aus, um die düsteren Gothic-Musiker im fernen Berlin zu finden. In was für eine gefährliche Szene sind sie da abgerutscht? Nicht nur ihre Eltern in Ilsfeld (bei Heilbronn) sind krank vor Sorge. Auch die Polizei bittet jetzt: Findet diese Kinder!

Geschrieben von A.N. Other am 24.01.2008 um 08:41:


Großartiger Artikel grosses Grinsen

Geschrieben von DaD.SmurF am 24.01.2008 um 08:49:


Das ist doch ein Fake, oder? *angst*

Genial: "Blutengel-Szene"... grosses Grinsen

Geschrieben von messias am 24.01.2008 um 08:58:


Uiiii als Elternteil würde ich das aber auch bedenklich finde*fg*

aber irgendwie hört sich der Artikel wahnsinnig nach (ich weiß es ist keine) Satire an.

Geschrieben von Striga Jawbreaker am 24.01.2008 um 22:21:


Wäre es mein Nachwuchs,würde ich mir auch furchtbare Sorgen machen.
Aber dieser Artikel trieft vor Klischees. Teufels-Szene, Satans-Band... schläft

Geschrieben von Undertaker am 28.01.2008 um 12:27:


zuerst einmal muss ich jawbreaker recht geben... KLISCHEES KLISCHEES KLISCHEES... aber warum ausgerechnet über die modern talking der schwarzen szene? warum gerade blutengel... haben die keinen anderen schwarzen interpreten bei google gefunden über den man herziehen kann?

und besonders der satz

So furchtbar langweilig kann es selbst in der tiefsten Schwaben-Provinz nicht sein.

im artikel empfinde ich als beleidung... sooo langweilig is es hier nich=) das wissen unsere hauptstädter nur nich grosses Grinsen (wie immer eigentlich?!)

Geschrieben von Chiropterus am 30.01.2008 um 21:48:


Griechisches Militär lässt Raketen im Obstlaster transportieren. (

Geschrieben von miniversum am 09.03.2008 um 12:16:


Unfälle durch Handys? Die Dinger sind woll doch gefärlicher als man meint. Zum Glück gibts die Lösung! grosses Grinsen,1518,540130,00.html

Geschrieben von NineBerry am 24.04.2008 um 13:18:



KINSHASA (Reuters) - Police in Congo have arrested 13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises after a wave of panic and attempted lynchings triggered by the alleged witchcraft.

Reports of so-called penis snatching are not uncommon in West Africa, where belief in traditional religions and witchcraft remains widespread, and where ritual killings to obtain blood or body parts still occur.

Rumours of penis theft began circulating last week in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo's sprawling capital of some 8 million inhabitants. They quickly dominated radio call-in shows, with listeners advised to beware of fellow passengers in communal taxis wearing gold rings.

Purported victims, 14 of whom were also detained by police, claimed that sorcerers simply touched them to make their genitals shrink or disappear, in what some residents said was an attempt to extort cash with the promise of a cure.



Geschrieben von NineBerry am 11.07.2008 um 18:42:


Die Abergläubigen gibt's allerdings nicht nur im Kongo, sondern auch in den US:


'Body Of Christ' Snatched From Church, Held Hostage By UCF Student

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A University of Central Florida student, upset religious groups hold church services on public campuses, is holding hostage the Eucharist, an object so sacred to Catholics they call it the Body of Christ.

Church officials say UCF Student Senator Webster Cook was disruptive and disrespectful when he attended Mass held on campus Sunday June 29. It was during that Mass where Cook admits he obtained the Eucharist.

The Eucharist is a small bread wafer blessed by a priest. According to Catholics, the wafer becomes the Body of Christ once blessed and is to be consumed immediately after a minister passes it out to churchgoers.

Cook claims he planned to consume it, but first wanted to show it to a fellow student senator he brought to Mass who was curious about the Catholic faith.

"When I received the Eucharist, my intention was to bring it back to my seat to show him," Cook said. "I took about three steps from the woman distributing the Eucharist and someone grabbed the inside of my elbow and blocked the path in front of me. At that point I put it in my mouth so they'd leave me alone and I went back to my seat and I removed it from my mouth."

A church leader was watching, confronted Cook and tried to recover the sacred bread. Cook said she crossed the line and that's why he brought it home with him.

"She came up behind me, grabbed my wrist with her right hand, with her left hand grabbed my fingers and was trying to pry them open to get the Eucharist out of my hand," Cook said, adding she wouldn't immediately take her hands off him despite several requests.

The Eucharist is a small bread wafer blessed by a priest. According to Catholics, the wafer becomes the Body of Christ once blessed and is to be consumed immediately after a minister passes it out to churchgoers.

Cook claims he planned to consume it, but first wanted to show it to a fellow student senator he brought to Mass who was curious about the Catholic faith.

"When I received the Eucharist, my intention was to bring it back to my seat to show him," Cook said. "I took about three steps from the woman distributing the Eucharist and someone grabbed the inside of my elbow and blocked the path in front of me. At that point I put it in my mouth so they'd leave me alone and I went back to my seat and I removed it from my mouth."

A church leader was watching, confronted Cook and tried to recover the sacred bread. Cook said she crossed the line and that's why he brought it home with him.

"She came up behind me, grabbed my wrist with her right hand, with her left hand grabbed my fingers and was trying to pry them open to get the Eucharist out of my hand," Cook said, adding she wouldn't immediately take her hands off him despite several requests.

Cook said he'd consider returning the Eucharist if he gets an apology and a meeting with the Bishop's office to discuss the Diocese's policy on physical force.

Gonzalez said intentionally abusing the Eucharist is classified as a mortal sin in the Catholic church, the most severe possible. If it's not returned, the community of faith will have to ask for forgiveness.

"We have to make acts of reparation," Gonzalez said. "The whole community is going to turn to prayer. We'll ask the Lord for pardon, forgiveness, peace, not only for the whole community affected by it, but also for [Cook], we offer prayers for him as well."


'Body Of Christ" Returned To Church After Student Receives Email Threats

Orange County, FL -- One week after a University of Central Florida student snatched something sacred from church, armed UCF police officers stood guard during Sunday Mass to protect what Catholics call "The Body of Christ."

Minutes before the Mass began, Student Senator Webster Cook returned the Holy Eucharist he was holding hostage in a Ziploc bag ever since smuggling the blessed wafer of bread out of the Catholic Mass service Sunday June 29.


But outraged Catholics across the globe didn’t believe him and suspected he intended all along to steal the Eucharist and bloggers sent out e-mail messages damning him to Hell.

"I am returning the Eucharist to you in response to the e-mails I have received from Catholics in the UCF community," Cook wrote in a letter to the church. "I still want the community to understand that the use physical force is wrong, especially when based on assumptions. However, I feel it is unnecessary to cause pain for those who are not at fault in this situation."

Cook said some threatened to break into his dorm room to rescue the Eucharist. Brinati said the Diocese of Orlando didn't condone those threats, but was happy Cook had a change of heart and returned it.

"We've been praying about that," she said.


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