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Geschrieben von A.N. Other am 28.09.2010 um 18:03:

  It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Kennt die Serie jemand?
Schaue die in letzter Zeit vermehrt und es ist zum Teil sehr grotesk und für ein TV Format ungewohnt böse, also absolute Empfehlung lächelt

Geschrieben von suppi am 28.09.2010 um 22:32:


wo + wann kommt die? nie davon gehört.

Geschrieben von Gothpunk am 29.09.2010 um 09:44:


Hab die ein paar Mal gesehen, als sie noch auf Comedy Central lief. Is schon ziemlich kaputt.
Aber wo läuft die mittlerweile? Auf Comedy Central ja nciht mehr.

Geschrieben von A.N. Other am 01.10.2010 um 22:16:


Geschrieben von A.N. Other am 07.10.2010 um 09:17:


Wahnsinn, ich habe noch keine Serie / Film mit derart unglaublich egoistischen, egozentrischen, rechthaberischen Menschen gesehen, extrem viel Potential zum Fremdschämen und abgrundtief böse.

Großartige Argumentation um in der Bar unter 21 Jährigen Alkohol zu verkaufen - und ja, sie ziehen das dann auch im großen Stil durch:

"Dennis: We could get into a lot of trouble for this.
Dee: And we also have a social responsibility to keep teenagers from drinking.
Charlie: I guess.
Mac: Well, I don’t know about that, though. Hold on, I mean, wait a second, hear me out, hear me out: it wasn’t that long ago that we were in the same position as these youngsters, right? I mean, we’d get kicked out of some bar and what did we do, Den? We would get a bunch of forties from a homeless guy and we would go sit in some park.
Charlie: That is true.
Mac: That is absolutely true. And what would happen? We would almost get raped and/or murdered and/or stabbed by the crackheads in Fairmount Park.
Dee: Hello, Stephen.
Charlie: You want to know what else what would happen? We drove Nicky Potnick’s car into a tree on Kelly Drive.
Dennis: With Sweet Dee in the back seat, puking all over the headrest because some guy talked to her that she liked, remember that? Every time some guy talks to you that you like, you get so nervous that you drink yourself into oblivion.
Dee: No, no, I had bad potato salad.
Mac: You abused alcohol, and that’s OK, that’s OK, but it’s very dangerous, right? Right? Well, maybe we should look at this whole thing from a different angle. Maybe we have a social responsibility to provide a safe haven for these kids to be kids. You know, experiment!"'s_Always_Sunny_in_Philadelphia

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